
Can men also get breast cancer! Know more about ‘Male Breast Cancer’

You know men also attack with Male Breast Cancer, here is the detail about Symptoms, Risk, Treatment...

Do you know that men can also get breast cancer like women? Yes, it is absolutely true that like women, men also have chances of getting male breast cancer. Therefore, we will give you detailed information about the symptoms, risk and treatment of men breast cancer.

male breast cancer

Breast cancer is basically produced due to damage to the malignant cells present in the breast tissue and it is basically found more in the female body because you all tell them that they have more breast tissue as compared to men. But this does not mean that men cannot get breast cancer because these cells are also present in men and this increases the chances of getting this cancer.

According to a report by the American Cancer Society, in 2024, about 2650 cases have been reported in the United States in which men are affected by this disease. And about 530 men infected with this disease have died.

Male breast cancer symptoms

First, let us tell you about some symptoms which will tell whether a person has breast cancer or not.

male breast cancer symptoms

  • Lump in the breast: Painless lump and thickening of the breast tissue is the first sign of breast cancer. Usually it is located around the nipple and tissues.
  • Change in the nipple: If any change is seen in the nipple such as eversion, discharge (especially when bleeding), and scaling, it can be a symptom of breast cancer.
  • Breast skin change: If there is a slight change in the breast skin such as dimpling, puckering, redness and swelling.
  • Pain: This is seen very rarely but still some men experience a lot of pain and tenderness in the breast area.

Some Male Breast Cancer causes

According to some sources, there can be many reasons for this type of cancer attack, but some selected reasons are given below:

  1. Age: In some cases, it has been found that the age of the people who have breast cancer attack is between 60 to 70 years. That is, with the increase in age, the risk of this type of cancer also increases.
  1. Family history

    If anyone in the family has been infected with this disease, then the next person or the female can also get infected with this disease. Genetic mutation, particularly BRCA1 and BRC82 genes are also responsible for this.

    1. Obesity

    Increasing the amount of fat in the body also increases the fat level and this increases the risk of breast cancer.

    1. Radiation exposure

    If a person undergoes radiation therapy, especially the chest area due to some other medical conditions, then this also increases the chances of breast cancer.

    1. Hormone Levels

    Klinefeltar Syndrome is a genetic condition where a Men has an extra X chromosome. This also increases the risk of this disease. Not only this, people with liver disease or people who take estrogen related drugs also have an increased risk.

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    Male breast cancer treatment

    If a person notices any of the above symptoms. You should visit a doctor as soon as possible and get a good treatment. Diseases can be eradicated before they take a dangerous form.

    Basically, male breast cancer is similar to female breast cancer. Most of the conditions have similar types of treatment in both areas.

    1. Surgery: Surgery is the most common treatment in this condition through which the tumor is removed. The surgeries available for this condition are lumpectomy (in this procedure, the tumor is removed with a very small margin around the tissues), mastectomy (in this procedure, the entire breast is removed).
    1. Chemotherapy: Chemotherapy is a type of drug that basically kills cancer cells. It is used before and after surgery, depending on the condition of the patient.
    1. Radiation therapy: In this condition, high energy rays are targeted to kill cancer cells. It is mostly used after surgery to neutralize cancer cells.
    1. Targeted therapy: In this process, some special drugs are used to kill cancer cells while they are growing and spreading. This process is even more effective and has fewer side effects than chemotherapy therapy.
    1. Hormonal therapy: If cancer cells are detected in the hormone receptor, then using this therapy, its effect is blocked or reduced, which slows down the growth of cancer cells.

    “While male breast cancer is rare, it is important for men to be aware of the risk factors and symptoms. Early detection substantially improves the chances of successful treatment and survival. Men should not ignore any abnormal changes in their breast tissue and should consult a doctor if they notice anything worrisome,” says Dr. Emily Roberts, an oncologist.

    Dr. John Smith, a genetic counselor, adds, “Men with a family history of breast cancer or a known genetic mutation should consider genetic counseling and testing. Understanding their risk can help them take proactive steps in monitoring and managing their health.”

    Disclaimer: This is written for information purpose only. If you are facing any problem arising from this, then consult a doctor immediately.

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