
World Lung Cancer Day 2024: Why lung cancer more common in males then females

When it comes to cancer, the first name that comes to mind is lung cancer. As everyone knows, this cancer is more common in males. What is the reason for this, we will talk about it in detail in this article.

Why lung cancer more common in males

According to a research by the Global Cancer Observatory (GCO), in 2022, the highest number of people affected by cancer globally have lung cancer. But when it comes to males and females, lung cancer comes on top among males and prostate cancer comes in second rank. On the other hand, the most affected people among females are breast cancer and lung cancer comes in second. If mix both genders globally, then the most affected person is suffering from lung cancer.

Why Lung Cancer more common in Males

Now let’s talk about why males are more affected by lung cancer compared to females. Below are some simple reasons which will help you understand why males are more affected by this type of cancer.

Smoking Habits

  • Higher Smoking Rate: If you check for history, males are more addicted to smoking than females. About 85% of cases of long cancer are found to be caused by smoking. Increasing smoking rates can have a long term effect on the body which leads to long cancer and hence it is more common in men as compared to women.
  • Early adoption of Smoking: Men become addicted to smoking much earlier than women. And this harmful effect of tobacco over long term duration allows such harmful cancers to enter the body.

Occupational Exposure

  • Industrial Jobs: Men work more in industrial areas as compared to women, especially in construction and manufacturing companies. Living near asbestos, radon, diesel exhaust also increases the risk of long cancer.

Biological Differences

  • Hormonal Influence: Some studies suggest that the presence of estrogen in females reduces the risk of lung cancer as it is a protective hormone. But this is still not foolproof as much remains to be understood about the biological mechanism.
  • Genetic Susceptibility: Certain genetic factors may put men at higher risk of lung cancer. There is a difference in the DNA repair capability between men and women which influences the risk of cancer.

Lung Cancer Symptoms

  1. Chest pain: There may be decompression and pain in the chest, there will be difficulty in breathing.
  2. Shortness of breath: Difficulty breathing and feeling of shortness of breath even with minimal work.
  3. Hoarseness: There will be a change in the voice which will make a little rusty and horsey sound.
  4. Weight loss: Even without doing anything, weight will decrease and appetite will also decrease.
  5. Fatigue: Tiredness and weakness will be seen without any reason.
  6. Recurrent infections: Frequent respiratory infections like bronchitis and pneumonia can be seen.
  7. Coughing up Blood: Bleeding while coughing.

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Long Cancer Treatment

There are many surgeries with the help of which it can be treated – lobectomy, pneumonectomy, segmentectomy.

  • Cancer cells are destroyed through radiation therapy. This process is done while surgery and chemotherapy are going on.
  • Chemotherapy uses a drug to kill cancer cells or disrupt their glands.
  • Targeted Therapy Targets the growth and survival of cancer cells by using specific drugs so that cancer can be eliminated.
  • Immunotherapy is an example therapy that boosts the body’s immune system so that the body can avoid the attack of cancer cells.
  • In combination therapy, many therapies are combined together and then the person suffering from cancer is treated specifically.

Prevention and Early Detection

If you follow some simple steps before getting lung cancer, then this type of cancer can be cured.


Quit Smoking: Quitting smoking is the most effective way to prevent lung cancer. Also avoid secondhand smoke.

Avoid Carcinogens: If you work in any high-risk industry, you must wear protective equipment and follow safety protocols.

Healthy lifestyle: Maintain a healthy diet like whole vegetables and exercise regularly. Avoid alcohol which is important for overall lung health.

Early detection

Screening: Low-dose CT scans are able to detect lung cancer at an early stage in people who are addicted to long-term smoking. Early detection can significantly improve treatment outcomes.

Note: This is for informational purposes only. If you are suffering from such a problem, consult your doctor as soon as possible.

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