
Why UTIs Increase in Women During the Rainy Season?

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) is a common issue especially for women. Many times you must have noticed that UTI increases during the rainy season and there are many reasons for this. We will talk in detail about why UTI issue occurs during the rainy season especially in women. Let us find out what are the symptoms of this infection and how to avoid it.

Why UTIs Increase in Women During the Rainy Season

Understanding Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs)

Urinary tract infection is an infection that is related to the urinary system. This infection can occur in the kidneys, bladder, ureters and urethra. But most of the time, it occurs in the lower urinary tract such as the bladder and urethra. It is caused by bacterial infection, there are chances of getting this infection due to infection of Escherichia Coli (E. Coli), which is basically live in the bowel.

UTIs Symptoms for Women

Let us discuss in detail about the symptoms that are seen when a person is affected by UTIs.

  • Urinating in small amounts frequently.
  • Strong smelling urine.
  • Sometimes the colour of urine can be red, bright pink or cola-colored (this is a sign of blood in the urine)
  • Pelvic pain, especially center of the pelvis and around the area of the pubic bone.
  • Fever and chills (this indicates a possible kidney infection)
  • Pain and pressure can be felt in the lower abdomen or back.
  • A burning sensation is felt while urinating (dysuria).

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Why UTIs Increase in Women During the Rainy Season?

This infection is most commonly seen in women. But this problem is seen the most in the rainy season and there are some reasons for it, which we have written down below.

1. Increase humidity and moisture

Rainy season increases the humidity level to a great extent. And in this environment bacteria can grow very well. Therefore, whenever the genitals remain moist for a long time, it leads to bacterial growth and increases the chances of infection.

2. Change personal hygiene

In the rainy season, many people take a shower very late or sometimes skip it. Not only this, the restroom is not clean and dry, hygiene problem remains even in the outdoors, sometimes after using the toilet, we forget to wash hands or not wiping properly, this can also be the reason.

3. Drinking less water

Due to the cold environment created in rainy weather, people drink very less water. Due to drinking less water, the urine is released from the body very less, which increases the time of bacteria to grow. If you drink the right amount of water and keep your body hydrated, urinary tract infection can be prevented because when you drink more water, it becomes easier to flush out the bacteria from the urinary tract.

4. Wet clothing

People wear wet clothing in the rainy season and this can be a cause of UTI. This includes tight fitting jeans and underwear, wearing it for a long time creates a breeding ground for bacteria.

5. Decreases immunity

Due to weather changes, the immune system of the body is affected and it is not able to fight the body’s infection properly, which increases the chances of infection. Therefore, keeping yourself as clean and clear as possible at all times during the rainy season, along with adopting a good diet and good lifestyle, will improve the immune system and the chances of getting infection will also decrease.

How to avoid UTIs during the rainy season

  1. Practice good hygiene: After using the toilet, clean your urethra area from front to back. Try to wash your genital area with a mild soap and water daily.
  2. Stay hydrated: Drink a minimum of 8 to 10 glasses of water every day so that you can flush out the bacteria from the urinary tract. For this, you can consume herbal tea and clear soups to keep yourself hydrated.
  3. Wear Breathable Clothing: Choose cotton underwear and try to wear loose-fitting clothes which will help in keeping your genital area dry. Avoid tight pants and nylon underwear.
  4. Avoid Holding Urine: Do not hold urine for long periods, use the bathroom regularly because holding urine for a long time can cause bacteria grow in bladder area.
  5. Urine after intercourse: Try urinating every time after sexual activity which will help in flushing out the bacteria, this will keep your urinary tract clean all the time.

By the way, after trying all these methods, you have to do one more important thing, if your UTIs problem is increasing, the symptoms are increasing, then contact the doctor as soon as possible and take his advice so that you can stay healthy all the time.

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